Joy O'Neil
Joy O’Neil is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor with over 17 years of experience working as a therapist in clinical settings, research, and private practice. Joy currently works in private practice as a Couples and Family therapist at Psychotherapy & Wellness in Burlington, Vermont. She initially started her career working with families as an Elementary Teacher for seven years where she recognized the value of supporting the family system to benefit the growth and well being of the student. This led her to earning a Masters degree in Couples and Family Therapy. Throughout her work as a therapist, Joy focuses her time on helping couples improve communication skills, grow through conflict and repair, increase responsibility for self, and strengthen their relationships to each other by developing more differentiation within themselves. The true passion of her work resides in helping couples develop a richer relationship to their own sexuality and shared sexual experiences with their partner. The prospect of maintaining self while sharing the most intimate physical relationship with their partner is the best challenge and joy an individual can embrace. In 2018, Joy received a certificate of advanced training in Bowen Theory from VCFS after completing 3 years of the VCFS professional training program. She presented at the VT Symposium on Bowen Theory exploring moving from obligation to desire in family relationships. The foundational concepts of Bowen theory have helped inform her clinical work with couples and families and has reinforced the value of strengthening relationships to self as a pathway to free and satisfying relationships with others.
Joy O’Neil