Kim Ziegelman
Kim Ziegelman is a licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing in Vermont for the past 35 years. She cut her clinical teeth on an inpatient psychiatry unit before becoming a student of Ann Bunting, PhD, who trained with Murray Bowen, MD, and founded the Vermont Center for Family Studies. Her work with Dr. Bunting spanned 28 years. She has attended VCFS conferences since 1992. Kim received a certificate of advanced training in Bowen theory from VCFS in 2020, after completing 3 years of the VCFS professional training program. She has made public presentations exploring the togetherness forces within one’s own family of origin, family leadership, and managing oneself in challenging clinical situations. Kim has been in private practice for the past 20 years. She spent several years working exclusively with clients with trauma histories. She now works with a broad audience of adult individuals, using Bowen theory to guide her work. Kim especially enjoys helping people “grow a self” to guide them in living a principled life.
Kim is no longer taking new patients.